For our High School students at least.

DUNES will be February 18-21, so mark those calendars.

AND with DUNES costing $165 again, you should get a move on and start filling those piggy banks with your left over change from lunch, ask about doing extra chores, offer your neighbors a low cost lawn raking, or even write a letter to those far away family members. Whatever you gotta do, git 'er dun! Don't miss out on this amazing weekend! It's gonna be awesome!

Online registration for DUNES here. Also, the online registration cut off date will be Sunday night, February 13th. We need a good headcount at that point so that our wonderful cooks can make sure we have enough delicious food for everyone going to DUNES. You may come in to the Student Ministries office Monday or Tuesday to sign up...however, if you wait till Wednesday, February 16, to sign up you'll be out another $20 bucks...cost goes up for late sign-ups. Please do it early and on time!.

Also, we understand that the economy is not so great these days and that times are tough for families. If there are concerns about the cost of the retreat please call the church and Tabitha will work with you on a payment plan. We don’t want any student to miss out on this awesome opportunity so please don’t let the cost be the reason you choose not to come.


Jr. High LOST is canceled tonight, January 11th, due to the weather. See you all next week!

Start up dates for you

Jr. High LOST will start back up Tuesday, January 11th at 7 pm in the North Auditorium.

High School Group will start back up Wednesday, January 12th at 7 pm in the North Auditorium.

Also, there is no Jr. High classes this weekend. They will resume again on January 15/16.