You can print the SALT Retreat permission slip HERE.

Also, one thing we forgot to add in the letter that was sent out about the SALT Retreat was where we'd be staying. Oops! Slipped right past us. So to ease all the parents minds, the retreat will be at Son Lodge in Welches.

Things to Remember: 
1. Students need to be at the church between 9 and 9:30 am Saturday morning (August 28th).
2. Students MUST have a signed permission slip to attend this retreat. Shouldn't be too hard since everyone received on in the mail. Just to clarify, I did say "must" already, right? Oh good, because I meant it. Students MUST have a signed permission slip to step foot on that shuttle. :)
3. Cost is $100. If that is going to be a problem, please call Tabitha at the church office (503.663.5050, x.246) to work something out.
4. Students will be back at the church around noon time Monday, August 30th.
5. Students will want to bring a swim suit.

Hmmm...I think that is all for now.


We wanna know something.

What do you, as the student or as the parent, want to see more of on this little blog of ours?

Please help us make this better and more helpful by giving us feedback...that is the only way we make it better and suited for you guys. :)

Thank you!!


We are having our annual SALT Invitational Leaders Retreat coming up the last weekend of August, Saturday the 28th to Monday the 30th. This retreat is an invite only retreat for Juniors and Seniors. We can't wait to spend some time up on the mountain with everyone, boating and digging into the word and worshiping together. This will hopefully be a great time to connect with everyone and get excited about reaching our campuses for Jesus. If you need more information or aren't sure if you are invited give us a call at the church and we'll connect, (503) 663-5050.

Jr. High Dates...And High School too

Well just in case you weren't sure entirely sure, Jr. High will not be meeting during the month of August. That means that we will not be having our regular Tuesday night gatherings or our weekend classes. We will start again on Tuesday, September 7th.

Also, High School group is not meeting during August and will kick off the year on Tuesday, September 8th.


First Post!!!

Hello Parents and students, 
       This is our new Blog to help you keep updated with what is happening around the student ministries department. Our hope and goal with this blog is to keep you informed and in the loop and never feel like you aren't sure whats happening. With this new blog you will always be able to check for any last minute changes or plan revisions. We will try our best to make this something that YOU can rely on and use to keep plugged in. Thanks for checking up!!!!